Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 6

We have a busy and exciting week ahead with lots of learning going on in the classroom plus our big field trip to Montgomery on Thursday!  Your child will be bringing home a few reminders about Montgomery today, so please be on the lookout for those.
Reading: This week we are taking a break from our Harcourt Journeys book to look more in depth at monitoring our own reading comprehension.  This morning, we read a very moving story called How Many Days to America by Eve Bunting.  The children had lots of lingering questions at the end of the story, so it was a wonderful way for us to discuss those thoughts that we all have in our heads as we read.  I have asked them to pay attention to those inner conversations this week as they read.  Your child has a homework assignment this week for reading to find a book with a theme and then describe the events in the book, what the theme is and how he/she determined the theme.  There are no specific vocabulary words this week.
Spelling: No spelling this week
Language Arts: The children will take a capitalization and proper noun test this afternoon.  We will spend some of our language time this week working on cursive handwriting and preparing for the Owl Update that we will begin writing shortly.
Math: This is an exciting week for math as we begin our first menu.  Ask your child to tell you more about what a math menu is.  We will be working on adding and subtracting whole numbers and money.  As your child completes his/her math homework this week (there will not be math homework every night), let him/her share with you how he/she solved the problem.  I am encouraging children to use whatever method is easiest for them, such as breaking the number apart, looking to make tens, or rounding the numbers first.
Alabama History: As we prepare for our field trip, we will be looking at our state symbols and what makes our state unique.  We will also focus on the three branches of government.
Science: The children will discover the differences between high and low pitches and how these different sounds can be generated.

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