Friday, May 23, 2014

Oh, the Places these Kids will Go!

I ended this school year, like I do every other, by reading Oh, the Places You'll Go! to the students.  Dr. Seuss, in his magically powerful way, tells each reader of the marvelous accomplishments he/she will achieve when he/she puts his/her mind to it.  He reminds us all that we'll go through hard times, "that bang-ups and hang-ups can happen to you," but that "somehow you'll escape all that waiting and staying.  You'll find the bright places where Boom Bands are playing."  

These children, I have no doubt will accomplish amazing feats in their lifetime.  They have "brains in their head and feet in their shoes."  I cannot wait to see where all life will take them!

"And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)
Kid, you'll move mountains!"

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Happy Character Partners

We've had a wonderful year with our 1st grade Character Partners and the last day is certainly a day to celebrate and have fun together!  We are all so "happy" about summer! :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Litter Presentation

Throughout the school year, our class has been working with Mrs. Crimi's 1st grade class to combat litter.  A couple of weeks ago, we went on a walking field trip to pick up litter that the students had planned.  Some students performed skits on SCE TV, made signs to hang around the school and made announcements over the intercom.

The other group of students made a presentation to share with PTO requesting funding to put trash cans and doggy-bag containers on the field.  Today, they made that presentation to some of the board members, not only asking for money, but presenting a variety of possibilities at a variety of prices.

Ask your child to tell you more about what the PTO said!

Egg Drop

The students had the opportunity through LEAD to create a contraption that would keep an egg safe after being dropped from the second story of our school building.  Four different contraptions were presented today, all very clever, creative and unique.  The students had wonderful ideas and I loved watching as they tested their creations.

Jordan and Lindley's

 Annie and Lilly L.'s 



Mrs. Cassity even suggested having family competitions this summer!  Perhaps contests to see which family member can create the best contraption to protect the egg, but all materials have to come from the recycling bin!  Sounds like some great, family engineering fun!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Spirit Day

Wow!  What a truly fantastic day, full of spirit!  We had a wonderfully full day of activities including disco time in the gym with Coach Sills, story telling with Mrs. Vanderkamp, yearbook signing, a wide variety of field events and a motivational speaker.  Thank you to each of you who helped to make this day such a great celebration whether you helped volunteer at the field events, prepared and planned ahead of time, joined us for lunch or helped your child prepare this morning.  Thank you!  The day would not have been possible without the support of the PTO.  What a fun way to celebrate a fantastic year!