Monday, October 26, 2015

Second Nine Weeks, Week 3

Reading: We are doing some "spooky" things in reading this week as we analyze "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll.  We will also be reading some real life mysteries from history.

Language: The students will be finishing their "Do Not Carve Me" persuasive essays as well as beginning to look at narrative writing with a Halloween-inspired story.

Math: Our focus is still on multiplication, but especially on factors and multiples this week.

Science: We will be finishing up our study of the ear tomorrow and our test will be on Thursday.  Students should be able to label parts of the ear as well as describe the process of hearing (our ears collecting sound waves, turning them into vibrations and then sending signals to the brain).  There are several items on Schoology that we will be looking at tomorrow that can help them to study.

Alabama History: We will be taking a few days to talk about archaeology and just how archaeologists know so much about the past.

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