Monday, September 21, 2015

First Nine Weeks, Week 7

Reading: This week we are spending more time reading articles and determining their main idea and the details that support that main idea.  We will also be working on a new signpost called "Tough Questions."

Language: Our focus is still on possessive nouns, ensuring students can tell the difference between singular and plural ones.  Later on in the week, we will also touch on possessive pronouns.

Math: Students are learning a variety of strategies for subtraction.  They will be armed with a variety of strategies to ensure that they can confidently solve any problem that comes their way!  Ask your child to show you some of the strategies he/she is learning!

Science: This week, students will be investigating what makes sound.  They will also be investigating high and low pitches to see what causes them.

Alabama History: We will be doing a little bit of review in the classroom this week for the Alabama geography test on Wednesday.  Students can use Study Stack to study, but they also need to be able to label the regions, Birmingham, Montgomery and Mt. Cheaha on an Alabama regions map.  This test covers a lot of material, so they need to spend time studying, not just reviewing.

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