Valentine's Day is coming up on Friday. The children are more than welcome to bring in cards for the class, I just ask that if they choose to bring in cards, they bring one in for each of the 21 children.
The Owlmazing Race is coming up on Friday! The Smithstaches are very excited about getting all decked out! Thank you for all of the white shirts - we have enough!
This is what our plans are for the week, weather depending of course...
Reading - Last week we finished Number the Stars. If you have not already discussed this book with your child, please do - they really loved it! This week, we are starting something a little bit different, a biography unit. At the beginning of this week, we will be reading a few short biographies together as we look for similarities and differences in biographies as well as how to be on the lookout for important information. Later on in the week, the children will be choosing a biography about someone they are interested in and reading the biography in class for the next week or two. Our vocabulary words this week are ones that the children might encounter while reading a biography: obstacle, contribution, impact, society, adversity, admirable, memoir, and narrative.
Spelling: The spelling words this week all have prefixes of un, re and dis.
Language: The children are learning more about conjunctions this week: what they are, how they work, the different conjunctions and how to use them to improve their writing. And since we have all been singing it this week, I thought I'd share one of the all-time best School House Rock videos:
Math: Today and tomorrow, we will be reviewing a few division strategies and types of division problems such as dividing money. The division test will be on Wednesday of this week. The children will need to be prepared to divide a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number as well as know the divisibility rules we have worked on. There is a 10-question quiz on Schoology which will be a great guide for the students to ensure that they are prepared for the test. As I told the children, I am not counting this quiz on Schoology but it would be beneficial for the children to complete it before the test. The students should be able to check their answers at the end of the quiz and retake it if they choose. We will also be working on data this week as we collect medal counts from the Olympics and transfer that data into bar graphs and pictographs.
Science: The students will be learning more about circuits as we look more closely at electricity and exactly what it takes to light a light bulb.
Alabama History: We will be studying more about cotton and the huge affect it had on the early days of our state: livelihood, slavery and plantations. We will talk more about just what life was like in early 1800s in Alabama leading up to the Civil War.
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