Sunday, January 12, 2014

3rd Nine Weeks: Week 2

This week, we welcome Miss Hereford, from UAB, who will be with us through the end of April.  We are thrilled to have her in the classroom with us!

Reading: This week we will continue to read Number the Stars.  It has been a true joy to watch as the children become fascinated with this historical fiction tale of friendship and bravery, and watch as they become outraged by the way a group of people were treated simply because of their beliefs.  Their passion is such a blessing to see!  We will also focus this week on separating the main idea from the details.  Vocabulary words for this week are: suspicious, tentatively, eased, seldom, reluctantly, tame, distorted, sprawling, and exasperation.

Spelling: This weeks' words are ones that involve changing the final y to an i before adding another ending.

Language: Our grammar focus this week continues to be adjectives as we wrap up this study with a test on Thursday.  Our focus this week will be on articles and proper adjectives.

Math: This week the students will be learning a variety of different strategies they can use for division.  We will be learning the same method that you learned in school, but also strategies such as breaking the number apart and repeated subtraction.

Social Studies: We are learning more about how Alabama became a state, the steps to statehood and what life was like in Alabama in the early 1800s.

Science: This week, the children will complete and then present their research findings on different technological advances that have been made possible because of space exploration.

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