The world around us is changing and evolving faster than I can keep up with, but I am going to do my best to keep these eager minds aware of the latest developments to keep them actively engaged in learning and in the advances around them.
Last week, Mrs. Miller and I introduced the kids to several new websites/applications and I must say, the kids were truly intrigued. They were so excited to learn and explore the new technology.
I wanted to let you know a bit about this technology as well. Please know that I am learning more about these resources (and how they can best aid instruction) right along with the students, so I would openly encourage your feedback.
Google Docs
Some of you may already be aware of this resource that will truly benefit the education world. In all honesty, it is similar to an online storage center where you can upload and create documents and presentations that you can then access from anywhere. There are several benefits to this that I am already seeing in the classroom: 1) Students may work on something at home and at school without worrying about transferring the data back and forth. 2) Students can share their work with other students and all collaborate on one piece of work on different computers at the exact same time.
Last week, the students began researching different technological advances made possible because of space travel. It was SO much fun to see the students so engaged and excited about their projects as they worked side-by-side one another but all researching in different ways.
To access Google Docs, the children can sign in to any Google homepage, but it is easiest to go through the SC Homepage then Student Resources. This way, children do not have to remember the long sign-in of
This is a secure online community for our class where I can create assignments, post practice quizzes, and where we can have online discussions. It is also a place where students can easily message me if they have questions or problems with assignments or homework. I am just beginning to explore this excellent tool and I have no doubt that I will continue to find more and more benefits. The students have their first assignment on Schoology this week: they are to read two online articles and then respond to them on Schoology.
Access Schoology in a similar way to Google Docs.
This is a very neat website where children can search for articles and/or I can assign news articles. It is through this website that the children are to read their two articles this week.
This website is also a wonderful resource for the children. This website is full of resources for teachers and students including video clips on just about everything from how to do math problems or how lasers work. I can also assign items through the website, so if there is something I think the children would benefit from seeing, I can assign it to them.
I am excited for all of the new technology resources and eager to put them into action in the classroom. Thank you for your help and support in this venture!